
This blog will outline the steps that i have taken to produce my own indie music magazine

Which music genre do you prefer or best suits you?

Do you pay attention to the slogan of a magazine?

Thursday 22 April 2010

Recap on my target audience and reader profile

I feel that i need to remind myself of my target audience in preparation for evaluating:

Age: 13-19 years
Gender: initially aimed at females, but males are targeted to a smaller extent
Occupation: students (some who work part-time)
Demographic/social class: C1
Main music genre: Indie Rock

The typical reader of INDIGO magazine will be interested in music to a great extent and will possibly play an instrument (i.e. guitar). They will be part of a social networking website or forum and will attend gigs or/and concerts regularly.

Most of this information is supported by my questionnaire.

My magazine will reflect my reader profile and will try to cater to the needs of the readers or target audience e.g. as many people are in full time education the magazine will not be very high priced, and they like to attend gigs so my magazine will entail a competition to win VIP tickets to the Brit awards (Which i feel is a very popular venue for indie artists) - my reader profile will have mostly entailed all the decisions for the production of INDIGO.