
This blog will outline the steps that i have taken to produce my own indie music magazine

Which music genre do you prefer or best suits you?

Do you pay attention to the slogan of a magazine?

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Preliminary task-how my skills have developed

Here was my preliminary task that i did at the beginning of my AS year. I was set the task to create a front cover, contents and interview page for year 11's moving on to sixth form. Mine was about media and photo-manipulation. I think that my skills have improved in regards to my knowledge of conventions and layout. Looking at my prelim. , it looks as if all my pages are from different magazines and there is no ovbious genre for my magazine as a whole. On the other hand my INDIGO pages all have a link, wether it be colour scheme, masthead or overall language.
Looking back at my preliminary task has really made me realise how much my skills have developed and how my knowledge of how to create a successful magazine has developed.
I also feel that my skills on photoshop have developed slightly and of course my skills on blogger have improved alot as i had never used it before this assignment.
Im also really glad that we got the opportunity to do a preliminary task as it does really help you notice how far you come along in the course and it gives you a little experience before the real thing and you can go back to your prelim. for help and reminders of what to do on photoshop etc.