
This blog will outline the steps that i have taken to produce my own indie music magazine

Which music genre do you prefer or best suits you?

Do you pay attention to the slogan of a magazine?

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Official magazine name and masthead

When creating the name for my indie magazine 'INDIGO' was the first name that popped up in my head straight away and i have used it since. I feel that it's quite a funky name for a teenager's magazine and the play on words works really well;
INDIE >>>>>>>>name of music genre
GO >>>>>>>>could mean to go and listen to music or can symbolise movement e.g. dancing
INDIGO>>>>>>>>a colour, mostly stereotyped as a girls colour (my target audience)
I do not feel that i need to find another name for my magazine, but this may or may not cause me a few problems further on in the process of creating my magazine etc.
When finding the font for my masthead i tried to find a font that stand out from other competing magazines and also has a link to the genre of my magazine. The one that i have found which is called "Reboard" on i feel suits my music genre as it looks quite 'clubby' or which you can possibly see on leaflets for clubs or gigs. I also like the way that some of the letters merge together and there are no gaps i.e in the 'O'. I have decided to follow some conventions and use white as the colour of my masthead.