
This blog will outline the steps that i have taken to produce my own indie music magazine

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Friday 26 March 2010

Copy of my interview material

As RhiRhi enters our studio, she looks calm and cool in tight jeans, and a chequered top. For her first photo shoot she seems to be quite a natural at taking great shots, She jokes around with our make-up artist and seems right at home. For someone with such a mighty voice, she’s pretty titchy regardless of her heels! We can’t wait to see what she has to say to us about her up coming album ‘Reincarnation’, pepperaimi’s and PAT the dog:

Hey it’s a real pleasure to have you here, how are you coping with your new found fame?
Cool thanks! I’ve been pretty busy producing my first album, it’s a lot of hard work and keeping up with my new popularity has been one I’ve had a hard time getting used to, but i'm loving it!

Yeah, we heard about your up and coming album release, are their any nerves kicking in as it’s your first time?
You know I just go with the flow, there are a few nerves but once i’m in the studio you forget about all that, you see its all just to do with the music and if i’m happy with it, nothing else will put me down, if people love my music that amazing but if they don’t, there’s no biggie.

Ok, we can’t keep this in any longer; we’ve sneakily had a pre-release listen to your album at HQ, and were really impressed. Was this all your own work is there someone behind the scenes helping you out, and are you inspired by any current artists?
(laughs) you sneaky little...(laughs) wow thanks guys, erm yeah well you know most of its all from the heart, past experiences you know and all that jazz, they’re key to my music and emotion is what I try to pass on to my fans, so they feel connected to me, you get me? You know behind all the bass and guitar and what people have referred to me as ‘drunken music’, there is actually meanings behind all of my songs. But i’m not gonna lie, I’ve got my inspirations.

You no, my mum, dad, friends, I’ve lived through life seeing so many things happening, good and bad. I try not to follow other celebrities, I like to be individual.

Yeah, that’s all good we like that. So what are your plans for the next couple of months? Are you considering going on tour after your album release?
I got a couple of photo shoots and interviews coming up, finalising the album, just preparing for my release really and well see what goes on from there, if people like my album then yeah, touring sounds great, I’d love to get in touch with my fans.

Ok, just some random questions now, c’mon its standard procedure, what did you last text say and who was it from?
(laughs) from my brother saying he wants his clothes back.

Ha-ha, yeah we can understand that, what’s always in your fridge?
Pepperamis and Dr.Pepper, I cannot survive without them their my daily fixes, c’mon I’m a teenager? Healthy food doesn’t exist in my world.

Yeah tell me about it, do you have any pets?
I have a fish named COD and a dog named PAT.

HAHA I get it, that’s pretty awesome, well its been great talking to you Rhi, good luck with your new album!
(laughs) yeah thanks guys! Bye!

Note: this is my first draft of my interview, so on my actual final double page you may notice some differences.