
This blog will outline the steps that i have taken to produce my own indie music magazine

Which music genre do you prefer or best suits you?

Do you pay attention to the slogan of a magazine?

Monday 22 February 2010

Experimenting with music genres:

This is a very iconic photograph of Bob Marley, a very famous Reggae artist.

This is our initial photograph.

Me and a partner were given the task to take one photograph based on the music genre of 'Reggae', we looked at a photograph of 'Bob Marley' and he is an iconic Reggae artist and we tried to duplicate his style and mood in this photograph. The photos i have uploaded represent the stages of photo manipulation taken out to create our final photograph. We focused on the facial expression of my parnter which is very laid back as it represents a very laid back style, portraying the mood of the music, the body posture of the artist looks as if she is dancing.