When taking these photographs, i asked my model to pose in different postitions to represent herself as a new indie artist. The mise-en-scene i used to portray this is mainly her costume which included skinny jeans, heels, brightly coloured tops, lots of jewellery and sunglasses/nerd glasses. The props i used were an electric guitar, microphone and a stool. This is my favourite out of the whole photoshoot, it will potentially be on my front cover, but i shall experiment with alot of designs and photographs. I added a spotlight to the photo to make it look as if she is on stage in the spotlight. The high angle is a very good technique and as she is looking up it creates a really good effect. Her mise-en-scene suits the music genre of indie rock. Also the wooden flooring adds a good effect.

I added a sepia effect to this photograph, along with a film grain to add texture and personality to the picture. Her facial expression shows that she is immersed in her music and her guitar is a very precious object to her. Her posture is very strong which can show her confidence as an artist.
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