
This blog will outline the steps that i have taken to produce my own indie music magazine

Which music genre do you prefer or best suits you?

Do you pay attention to the slogan of a magazine?

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Ofiicial images for my interview of rhirhi; double page spread:

When taking these photographs, i asked my model to pose in different postitions to represent herself as a new indie artist. The mise-en-scene i used to portray this is mainly her costume which included skinny jeans, heels, brightly coloured tops, lots of jewellery and sunglasses/nerd glasses. The props i used were an electric guitar, microphone and a stool.

This is my favourite out of the whole photoshoot, it will potentially be on my front cover, but i shall experiment with alot of designs and photographs. I added a spotlight to the photo to make it look as if she is on stage in the spotlight. The high angle is a very good technique and as she is looking up it creates a really good effect. Her mise-en-scene suits the music genre of indie rock. Also the wooden flooring adds a good effect.

I really like this photograph, its a very natural pose and the angle of the picture adds a good effect. Her facial expression is very natural and it almost looks as if she is about fall which adds quite a good effect. I added a black and white effect and adjusted the brightness and contrast.

This photograh is very funny. She has posed in a very humorous pose which is ideal for a good caption. I adjusted the brightness and contrast of this and then added a film grain effect. It yet again shows the reader what kind of personality rhirhi has.

This photo also has alot of character due to her body language and her facial expression. I can show the reader what type of personality rhiannon has. I added a sepia effect and a film grain add character to the picture.

This photograph has alot of personality in it. It almost looks as if she is behind stage at a gig and pulling a funny face. I shall put a humorous caption on this photograph. I added a sepia effect and a film grain.

The mise-en-scene in this photograph plays an important part in the atmosphere and character of the picture and the artist. As she is leaning on the guitar it shows a strong relationship between the artist and the instrument. The glasses add character and the wooden flooring adds a more homley feel rather than a normal stage (it can seem as if she is doing a more intimate gig than a whole concert.) The black and white effect also adds alot of personality to the photo. There is also a slight angle to this photgraph aswell which emphasises the shape of the guitar and the length of her legs.

I feel that this photo has alot of character and personality due to the facial expresison on the model and the sunglasses; it can help the reader relate to the artist in a more personal way and see whats behind the music. I added a black and white effect and film grain.

The high angle of this photograph adds a good effect to the picture, along with the black and white effect and the film grain for texture. On my final interview page i shall add a humorous caption.

I added a sepia effect to this photograph, along with a film grain to add texture and personality to the picture. Her facial expression shows that she is immersed in her music and her guitar is a very precious object to her. Her posture is very strong which can show her confidence as an artist.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Indie Mise-en-scene-male

Here are some images i found on google of indie boys (these may attract my female readers) and their style and mise-en-scene (e.g. posture, facial expressions etc.)

Indie Mise-en-scene -females

Here are some images i found on google of indie girls to give me an insight and guidance for my photoshoot:

Monday, 22 February 2010

Preparation/dress rehearsal for my 'Interview' photoshoot

These photographs are very similar to those that i will take for my final interview double page, it has shown me what i want to improve and differ for my magazine. I was limited to props,
costume, and time so my final photographs may be different to these that i have taken. I have slighlty manipulated these photographs (brightness/contrast).

Experimenting with music genres:

This is a very iconic photograph of Bob Marley, a very famous Reggae artist.

This is our initial photograph.

Me and a partner were given the task to take one photograph based on the music genre of 'Reggae', we looked at a photograph of 'Bob Marley' and he is an iconic Reggae artist and we tried to duplicate his style and mood in this photograph. The photos i have uploaded represent the stages of photo manipulation taken out to create our final photograph. We focused on the facial expression of my parnter which is very laid back as it represents a very laid back style, portraying the mood of the music, the body posture of the artist looks as if she is dancing.

Analysing 'Q' music magainze conventions:

Me and a partner were given the task to analyse and annotate pieces of the magazine 'Q'- ours was on an interview of Kate Nash.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


Creating a moodboard on different magazine covers based on my music genre (indie-rock) has helped me to recognise the different essential elements of a typical magazine cover and this will be a guidline for me when i start to initiate my design for my own magazine cover. I chose to do my research on the magazines 'Q', 'NME' and 'Rolling Stone'

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Reader profile for 'Q' music magazine

When me and a partner analysed 'Q' magazine we realsied how much the music genre of this magazine was portrayed through images and text, not things that you would notice at first glance, but when actually taking time to look closely at each page and text, we noticed how much the genre plays a key part in the whole content of a magazine.

How to run a successful music magazine (research taken from NME case study)

This has really helped me to evaluate what makes a good music magazine and how to reach my target audience. I feel that this will help me when producing my own magazine.

Magazine cover connotations and denotations; comparisons of magazine covers-powerpoint presentation.

This has helped me into seeing how much current magazines go into so much detail when trying to reach their target audience; and this will help inspire me to follow their ideas and when i make my own magazine i shall try and produce as much attention to detail as possible.