Here is my evaluative presentation, outlining the decisions i made when producing my magazine. Looking at each slide, it may not make sense as it looks as if my images are just piled on top of each other but i had added a lot of animation to my slide show, as to limit the amount of slides i used.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Evaluation Presentation
Here is my evaluative presentation, outlining the decisions i made when producing my magazine. Looking at each slide, it may not make sense as it looks as if my images are just piled on top of each other but i had added a lot of animation to my slide show, as to limit the amount of slides i used.
Posted by louise at 05:53 0 comments
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Recap on my target audience and reader profile
I feel that i need to remind myself of my target audience in preparation for evaluating:
Age: 13-19 years
Gender: initially aimed at females, but males are targeted to a smaller extent
Occupation: students (some who work part-time)
Demographic/social class: C1
Main music genre: Indie Rock
The typical reader of INDIGO magazine will be interested in music to a great extent and will possibly play an instrument (i.e. guitar). They will be part of a social networking website or forum and will attend gigs or/and concerts regularly.
Most of this information is supported by my questionnaire.
My magazine will reflect my reader profile and will try to cater to the needs of the readers or target audience e.g. as many people are in full time education the magazine will not be very high priced, and they like to attend gigs so my magazine will entail a competition to win VIP tickets to the Brit awards (Which i feel is a very popular venue for indie artists) - my reader profile will have mostly entailed all the decisions for the production of INDIGO.
Posted by louise at 01:39 0 comments
Final contents page layout
Here is my final layout for my contents and as you can see, it is completely changed from my draft attempt. I have changed my background from black to white (as i had researched a few magazines and found that they where white and i wanted to be conventional) I have maintained my images though, but i have changed the heading of the page. Instead of using the 'CO-NT-ENTS' layout i used in my previous design, i have decided to use my masthead (with added lens flare similar to my front cover, to show a relation to my front page and keep my magazineflowing.
I have also kept my editors letter as i feel this is a vital part of my contents page and making the magazine look a bit more laid back.
I feel that there is such a large improvement compared to my draft and my preliminary task as it looks so much more busy and readable. I hope this will attract my target audience and help my magazines content to be easy to find and skip through etc.
Posted by louise at 01:36 0 comments
Monday, 19 April 2010
Final front cover layout
Overall i feel that this was a successful layout for my magazine, and when looking at my interview page and contents page, you can see the assocciation between each page and you can tell that it is from the same magazine etc.
Posted by louise at 14:04 0 comments
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Final interview page layout
Here is my final layout for my interview page, on my featured artist 'RHIRHI'. I have only amended this slightly, by adding white boxes to my interview to make it more readable and also with my work experience with LIVE MAGAZINE'S design team, i noticed that the majority of their interview pages or any page in general tended to have a white background.
I also searched some interview pages online, just to back up my point of what i think is a typical convention:
As you can see, all of these examples have a background of some kind (mainly white).
Overall i feel that i am happy with my final product and i think it has improved slightly from my draft layout. As i have used limited colours (from my colour palette), i do not feel that it looks too busy and is too the point. Also not having many colours can help the reader draw their attention to my main image, which i feel represents 'RHIRHI's personality very well (due to facial expression and posture etc.) and i feel the mise en scene used i hope can differentiate my music genre from others (i used a guitar, style of clothing etc.)
I also used my masthead at the top left of my page to identify the interview as part of my magazine and i have used the same font text as i have throughout the whole of my magazine.
I manipulated my images on photoshop adjusting the brightness and contrast, cutting them out with the pen tool and colouring in the t-shirt with the colour replacement tool. I feel that making the t-shirt stand out brings out an edge to the page as it may have looked really plain without it.
I have also used pull quotes to (as well as being conventional) interest the reader into reading the whole interview as i have chosen one which is quite comical "pepparami's...". I hope this would attract my younger audience and maybe they can relate to these quotes in some way about teenage life etc.
In conclusion i feel that this was quite a success and i enjoyed creating the whole piece and i feel it was a really good experience to help me realise that its not very simple to create a double page let alone a whole magazine, and how much thought has to go into a magazine altogether to attract your target audience.
Posted by louise at 13:14 0 comments
Preliminary task-how my skills have developed
Posted by louise at 12:15 0 comments
Friday, 16 April 2010
First draft of Contents Page
This is my first draft for my content's page. As you can see i have included my editors letter and the images i mentioned before. I feel that even though it was a good attempt and i think that i have grasped the overall layout of a contents page, i feel that it could be so much better and i feel that i have not followed conventions to an appropriate extent, even though this can possibly be a good thing, but i would rather follow them than go against them. For example i feel that i would prefer a white background (as a lot of magazines do, and i think it also looks more professional)- in contrast to my black background, but i wanted to experiment with colours etc.
I also think that the top right hand corner seems very empty and i think i could fill this with more content for my magazine (E.g.more page numbers and stories). I also think that i would change the way 'CONTENTS' is written, even though i do like the fact that it is broken up, but maybe my target audience will find it hard to understand or find it unnecessary.
On the other hand i do like my use of images and the overall style of the contents can be related to the rest of my magazine e.g. front cover and interview. and i think it looks like a music magazine.
I shall make ammendments to this, along with my front cover and interview page.
Posted by louise at 12:55 0 comments
Images for my contents page
Here are the two images that i will be using in my contents page, i did not really want more than two because, on a single page, things can seem a bit cramped and cluttered. I feel that the first picture can idicate that my magazine is a music magazine and the genre can be hinted at the fact that is is a guitar and they are common in indie music (or any type of music in general). The second image is of my main artist RHIRHI i feel that it is quite a comical image and can show her true personalily behind all the fame etc. it may also encourage the reader to turn to her story as it looks interesting.
Posted by louise at 12:26 0 comments
First draft of my EDITORS LETTER
Here is my first draft of my editors letter, as you can see i have followed conventions by adding a signature at the bottom to personalise it a little (especially as it is in pink) I've used quite informal language to relate to my target audience who are considerable youthful, so i have also tried to incorporate their style of language into is aswell e.g. "Hey guys!". I've also tried to add a sense of humour so this should also attract to many youth's as it can make the magazine a bit more enjoyable to read.
Posted by louise at 12:09 0 comments
Editor's letter's
I personally feel that i will include an EDITOR'S LETTER into my contents page as i feel that it is a good way as a magazine as a whole to personally communicate with readers on a deeper level.
I have searched some images for editors letters and one from my own music magazine i had purchased, and two from a magazine of a different genre so i can recognise the differences and similarities of conventions and techniques:
Here are two editors letters from two different magazines (fashion magazines) and straight away you can recognise some main conventions: A image of a story or the editor themselves, a signature or the name of the editor and i can see that the first letter of the paragraph is enlarged.
This is an editors letter from 'Q' magazine May 2010, so this is quite recent. In comparison to the other two letters, there are a few similarities e.g. an image of the editor and a signature, and the overall layout is quite similar. They are short and snappy and do not usually exceed one corner of a page. I feel that magazines chose to write editor's letter's as to communicate with their readers on a more deeper, personal level.
The language used is quite informal and its very to-the-point and snappy. It also sets a tone for the rest of the magazine in terms of how they write etc.
Use of nicknames e.g. "La Welch" sets a tone for the whole magazine to be quite laid back and informal which probably is more approachable for their target audience rather than a magazine full of long, complicated words etc. They also use expletives "bitch" which is also another informal, you could say modern, approach to a language technique.
The overall purpose for a editor's letter is to summarise the whole content of the magazine in one paragraph, or to mention important stories etc. The language is quite laid back-as though they are talking to the reader face-to-face. I feel that i will produce my own editors letter, and mention special competitions etc. Just to be conventional and to communicate with my readers on a more personal level.
Posted by louise at 10:10 0 comments
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Analysing contents pages
Posted by louise at 12:04 0 comments
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Planning my contents page
For my contents page, i know for sure that i am going to be met with many problems, edits and adjustments as i think it will be difficult to fit a whole magazine's contents on one A4 page. I am going to do some research on current contents pages to get inspiration for my own layout/colour/ language style etc.
Posted by louise at 13:51 0 comments
Posted by louise at 13:15 0 comments
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Example of two music genres collaborating with eachother
Recently i have realised that the collaboration between INDIE MUSIC and DUB STEP has increased especially amongst the ages of 13-25 year olds and most fans of both music genres. I have noticed this because myself and many of my friends enjoy this type of music and on websites such as YouTube, these songs have become above 4 star rated and have many positive reviews. I think that this may be something that i may mention in my CONTENTS PAGE and FINAL FRONT COVER as this may draw to my target audience.
Here are two examples using ELLIE GOULDING and JAKWOB:
Posted by louise at 13:22 0 comments
New convention?
Posted by louise at 13:03 0 comments
Monday, 12 April 2010
Kings of Leon live performance
This is a video of Kings of Leon performing live at the Brit awards, I think this can relate to my target audience and my magazine as they are a very popular indie band and they can seem attractive to my target audience etc. Also, i am thinking of including the Brit Awards in a competition in my magazine e.g. to win tickets as i feel this shall draw people to my magazine and it includes a lot of indie acts. I also chose to publish a live performance as i feel that it shows the artist's pure potential and talent without any technological editing.
Posted by louise at 12:57 0 comments
First draft of my front cover
Posted by louise at 12:43 0 comments
Friday, 9 April 2010
Charts of my findings
Here are some pie charts that i have drawn up from some of my findings from my questionnaire that i feel can be considerably important in the making of my magzine even though all of my findings contribute to production.
This pie chart represents the population of my target audience who download and buy singles regularly (from my sample of 10 people from my target audience). It shows that the majority (80%) do download music regularly, so this can encourage me to include download offers in my magazine e.g. iTunes vouchers or a download chart etc. to cater to their purchasing needs. These can also stimulate the other 20% to do so also.
Posted by louise at 16:26 0 comments
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Masthead Research
I did some research on current mastheads on current music magazines just to represent current conventions and to compare my own masthead to those of professional magazines i feel that i have followed current conventions as my masthead is white and 4 major music magazines have white mastheads.
Posted by louise at 03:50 0 comments
Official magazine name and masthead
Posted by louise at 03:21 0 comments
Friday, 26 March 2010
Iconography of my music genre-album covers
These are some recent and past album covers by the artists i have forementioned. I have noticed that all the male artist groups do not actually have images of themselves on their artwork, whereas the female artists all do. Maybe this is because they feel that they need to be recognised as a person/celebrity and not by their music? There is no consistent colour scheme for all the album covers and they all differenciate from eachother, mainly because they want to be easily identified amonst other artists from their genre. There are alot of bright colours though, which supports my choices of colour on my colour palette. All of these album covers help to represent the iconism of indie music and this can help me furthermore revise the mise-en-scene and style of this music genre.
Posted by louise at 03:24 0 comments
Defining my music genre and relevent artists that may be featured in my magazine
This is a moodboard of a selection of artists that may be featured in my magazine (e.g. in my contents page and front cover). These are mainly male indie/rock artists. I have recognised the mise-en-scene in these photographs are very similar which defines what indie rock artists look like etc. I have also noticed that they are mainly black and white or sepia photographs. Also looking at the facial expressions of these artists they all look quite serious and slightly intimidating. These artists include: THE KILLERS, KINGS OF LEON, OASIS, SNOW PATROL, OWL CITY, THE FRAY, THE ARCTIC MONKEYS, MCR and COLDPLAY.
Posted by louise at 02:54 0 comments